

Building 1000
Lakeside North Harbour
Western Road
United Kingdom

Company has 1 related addresses


As the leading consultancy and contract management partner in sustainable environments for waste management, Helistrat delivers efficiency and performance gains for top UK businesses. We do this by designing, implementing and managing bespoke soft service models that fit perfectly with our customers’ core Facilities Management (FM) operations. 

Our consistently innovative approach effectively meets demands and delivers agile and flexible solutions. Our customers benefit from: business efficiency, cost savings, improved performance, increased recycling revenue, effective compliance and legislative management and enhanced CSR and stakeholder engagement.

We inspire those we work with to think differently and embrace sustainability concepts. One of our core competencies is helping organisations to raise their environmental performance by creating and managing sustainable and closed-loop supply chains. The benefits of this can be extensive. We aim for a zero to landfill waste stream approach, and proactively work towards 100% waste recycling.

If your business generates waste Helistrat can help you. We understand the waste and recycling challenges that different industries face. Our experience comes from some of the leading brands we work with: M&S, Ann Summers, Poundland, Gatwick Airport and the Environment Agency.




Registration Number: 06825642
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:20 February, 2009 (15 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: 51-100
Annual Turnover: 10-20m
Parent Company: The Reconomy Group
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Portsmouth, Birmingham

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Additional Information

Company Certifications

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements
ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

Financial Information

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