
Green & Co Renewables Ltd

15 Newton Road
NN10 0PS
United Kingdom

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Green & Co Renewables Ltd specialises in the supply and installation of top quality renewable energy equipment.

We are pleased to supply a fantastic range of equipment including solar PV panels, solar thermal (hot water), air conditioning and refrigeration, air and ground source heat pumps and under floor heating systems.

We work closely with customers to gain a firm understanding of their requirements and carry out detailed site surveys in order to recommend equipment and installation options that will achieve optimum results. All projects are managed by a dedicated manager and are carried out within agreed timeframes and budgets.

Please call us today at Green & Co Renewables Ltd to find out more about our renewable energy equipment and services.

Solar PV Panels

Here at Green & Co Renewables Ltd, we are pleased to supply and install high quality solar PV panels. Our position and experience in the industry enables us to source top quality products from leading manufacturers and supply them to customers at competitive prices.

We largely install monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar PV panels. Both types are tough and robust, however the polycrystalline solar PV panel has the edge over the monocrystalline solar PV panel for installations where there is a greater danger of objects damaging the panel.     

Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps

We are also pleased to supply top quality air and ground source heat pumps. Our highly skilled and experienced team carries out installations to incredibly high standards causing as little disruption to the surrounding area as possible.

Our product range includes:

  • Vaillant Boilers and Solar Hot Water Systems: we supply and install boilers suitable for domestic, commercial and industrial requirements.
  • ESP Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • Delonghi Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps: featuring 5kW to 500kW.
  • Mitsubishi Split Air Conditioning Units: featuring a range of brands including LG, Toshiba, Fujitsu and more.

Please contact us at Green & Co Renewables Ltd to find out more about our complete range of renewable energy systems.

Solar Thermal

Green & Co Renewables Ltd supplies and installs solar thermal systems suitable for domestic and commercial properties.

Solar thermal systems absorb the sun’s radiation and can generate between 50% - 60% of a properties hot water depending on the type of installation.

The installation of our top quality Vaillant solar thermal hot water systems can help customers reduce their carbon footprint and achieve substantial savings in energy costs.  

Solar water heating panels are most effective when installed on a south facing roof, however they can also be mounted on frames that are placed on a flat roof or on the ground.

Please visit our website or call our friendly team at Green & Co Renewables Ltd to find out more.

Under Floor Heating

We also install top quality under floor heating systems. Our highly experienced team has the knowledge and expertise to design and create efficient and effective under floor heating systems. We work closely with customers to ensure our under floor heating systems meet and exceed customer requirements and expectations.

To find out more about our under floor heating installation services, please contact us at Green & Co Renewables Ltd and we will provide all the information and advice you may need.



Registration Number: 06906953
VAT Number: GB987 2572 66
Registered at Companies House:15 May, 2009 (15 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Northampton, Milton Keynes, Bedford


Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • De Longhi Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • Mitsubishi PV panels
  • Phono Solar PV Panels
  • Sanyo PV panels
  • Sharp Solar panels
  • TG Solar High Efficiency Solar Panels

Financial Information

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