
Dorman Machine Tools Ltd

4 Percy Street
United Kingdom

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Our company was originally founded in 1960 by Mr John Dorman and has always been at the forefront of supplying the most advanced technology to the UK’s engineering industry. Our range of high precision machinery is drawn from Europe’s leading machine tool manufacturers and incorporates the very latest technological advances in machine tool design and process development. Our UK team backed by over 1,500 engineers from our major European Principals provides the highest possible level of technical support and we have an award winning reputation for our ability to provide the most innovative and cost effective turn-key production solutions. With over 800 UK installations within the automotive, medical, cutting tool, bearing, hydraulic, aerospace and motor sport industries we have the necessary in-depth knowledge and technical experience across a broad band of high tech applications to ensure our goal of total customer satisfaction is obtained.



Registration Number: 06738512
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:31 October, 2008 (15 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers


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