

5 Rivershill
M33 6JS
United Kingdom

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Stockport Shelving have 30 years experience providing Heavy Duty Pallet Racking, Industrial Shelving, Long Span Shelving and Storage Equipment to companies in Manchester including Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Wigan, Salford and United Kingdom New and Used Heavy Duty Pallet Racking Warehouse Racking Metal Shelving Health and Safety Signs Industrial Cabinets Lockers Mesh Security Cages Site Surveys Heavy Duty Pallet Racking Inspections Safety Reports Warehouse Safety Steps Heavy Duty Pallet Racking Stockport Shelving Equipment take pride in providing Heavy Duty Pallet Racking, Industrial Shelving, Storage Equipment making warehouse and office operations run at maximum efficiency. The company have completed large Heavy Duty Pallet Racking projects for the benefit of a large number of PLCs and testimonials can be provided. We have supplied many small and medium sized companies with Heavy Duty Pallet Racking and Storage Solutions which have major benefits in the companies efficiency. We consider no job too small. We carry out safety inspections on Heavy Duty Pallet Racking and on all storage equipment and provide a detailed safety report. We offer a repair and replacement service for damaged Heavy Duty Racking and Shelving Equipment. The company provides reconditioned Heavy Duty Pallet Racking, Industrial Shelving and Storage Equipment.



Registration Number: 10175509
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:11 May, 2016 (8 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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