
Avandda Ltd

820 Birchwood Boulevard Business Park
United Kingdom

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Today 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM (Currently Closed)
Fax: 01925 250011
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A Business phone system from Avandda, is a vital business tool. Avandda is a phone system supplier that believes telecommunications is a vital business tool, at the front line of customer service and business efficiency. Consequently it's important you make the right the right choice when investing in a new one. We provide leading edge technology. At Avandda we work with a wide range of business telephone systems from a variety of manufacturers such as BT, Panasonic, Samsung, and Avaya amongst others. This enables us to make sure your system is suitable to your requirements now and in the future. We offer the full spectrum of modern telecom features including direct dial, voice mail, auto attendant, call logging, conference calls, call recording and, where required, call management software amongst many others.We provide bespoke solutions for businesses, both large and small,we design solutions to suit the precise needs of your business, whatever your size. We are passionate about customer service and ensure we fully understand your requirements. We make sure we understand the demands of your business taking into account the needs of your staff and your clients. We always offer a full office phone system demonstration as a part of the design and quotation process to make sure the products meet expectations, the specification is correct, and will deliver the functions you would expect. We ensure you are happy with every aspect of the system before you commit. Our Price promise: We don't disguise costs and always quote for the stand-alone system but are happy to help you with line and call charges separately. We make a price promise on telephone systems, call traffic and maintenance, and have confidence in our pricing. If you find the same telephone system cheaper, we will match any identical quote.



Registration Number: 04975559
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:25 November, 2003 (20 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Distributor
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, Oxford and London.

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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