
Alertex Ltd

Unit 40a, Trent Valley Trading Estate
Station Road
WS15 2HQ
United Kingdom


Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Protect your possessions efficiently and effectively   with our  Early Warning Remote Monitoring Alarms  and ensure  Damage limitation or loss prevention...

Protect assets without being there, using Alertex-GSM’s unique and adaptable range of sensors, Void Properties, GPRS EDGE Camera, Our GSM motion sensors along with our CCTV to give unrivalled protection.
The Alertex range of solutions helps protect your property, valuables and assets and reduce the cost of damage or loss that cannot always be recovered by insurance
Alertex-GSM products are state-of-the-art security systems that create a series of boundary alerts which inform you BEFORE a break-in happens!
Potentially eliminating theft, break-in, trespass and vandalism!

Alertex products are more than just alarms. They are advanced monitoring systems that pick up any  disturbance and immediately send alerts to mobile phones and landlines anywhere in the world. Strategically  placed near gates, fences, vulnerable areas, doors and windows, our sensors detect unaccountable activity,  identifying intruders BEFORE they enter your premises and allowing time for preventative action.
Our GPRS camera can be installed in remote areas and verification is easily achieved. Our solutions are battery  or mains powered and designed for rapid deployment. With stand-alone-detection, wireless solutions and perimeter  protection available Alertex Limited has the solution and will protect any situation or environment .......include the latest CCTV surveillance solutions.......Revolutionary CCTV solution has wireless and wired  sensor connectivity with Siren and Strobe. It has the ability to send images to emails and SMS notification to mobile  and landline phones.......The all-in-one pro-active solution is now available from Alertex.
Standard traditional and advanced CCTV systems with colour and night time hi-res images are also readily available.      

Alertex range of early warning alert and alarm systems are developed to work in most areas and sectors including:                           

Domestic and commercial properties:   Protecting bricks and mortar, surrounding areas and outbuildings. Equine and Agriculture : Protect outbuildings, stables, sheds and tack rooms along with entrances and exits, and safeguard perimeter fences securing livestock and paddocks :                                         
Remote and Vacant Buildings:   Protect buildings, entrances, exits, boundaries and estates.
Truck and Trailer:   Automated and immediate alerts when doors, tail gates or side curtains are breached, it is also possible to be warned of activity close to the fuel tank.           
Caravans & Motorhomes:   Protect vehicles, contents and perimeters.
Marine & Inland vessels:   Protect crafts, outboard motors, and perimeters.



Registration Number: 09023568
VAT Number: GB817 8050 26
Registered at Companies House:2 May, 2014 (10 years and 2 months ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: 0-200k
Parent Company: Alertex Ltd
Company Type:
  • Distributor
  • Service Providers


Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • Alertex Protect your possessions efficiently and effectively with our Early Warning Remote Monitoring Alarms and ensure Damage limitation or loss prevention... Alertex products are state-of-the-art security systems that inform you BEFORE a break-in happens! The Alertex range of solutions helps protect and Potentially eliminating theft, break-in, trespass and vandalism!

Products & Services

Financial Information

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