
Adept Training & Consultancy

Sovereign House
184 Nottingham Road
United Kingdom

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Adept Training & Consultancy offers a range of training courses and qualifications that enable our clients to improve their skills and abilities whilst gaining formal recognition for their achievements. We specialise in the following areas:

  • Business and administration
  • Customer service
  • Educational support
  • Equality and diversity
  • Health and social care
  • Information, communication and technology
  • Team leading and management
  • Warehousing and storage

Our current training provision includes nationally recognised qualifications, training workshops, distance learning, apprenticeships and training consultancy. All of our courses and seminars are led by accredited training professionals who have years of experience helping individuals and organisations improve their performance and efficiency. 

You can find out more about our services by visiting Adept Training & Consultancy online, or by calling us on 0115 958 2368.

IT Training

We offer a number of IT training courses ranging from entry-level to advanced. Whatever your level of proficiency, we have a course that will take you to the next. 

IT courses can be delivered onsite at your premises or from our very own training centre in Nottingham City Centre. 

IT courses/qualifications offered by Adept include:

  • Chartered Institute for IT 
  • ECDL – an internationally recognised qualification available in 148 countries. The standard for IT users in the UK public sector.
  • ECDL Advanced – a high level IT user qualification for people who have good skills but want to progress further. 
  • Microsoft Office – one-day training workshops available at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, covering Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher and Word.
  • IT Diploma – Level 2 and Level 3 Diplomas in IT user skills, delivered at the participant’s place of work by an NVQ assessor. 

ECDL Training

ECDL training is offered in a variety of formats:

  • ECDL Online – Allows participants to study for their ECDL qualification from the comfort of their own home, at work, or anywhere you might find an internet connection. This advanced E-learning tool features fully interactive online tasks and exercises that cover the entire ECDL syllabus, as well as a mock examination application to prepare you for the real thing. 
  • ECDL – An onsite course delivered by an accredited professional and designed to improve the participants’ understanding of computers. The ECDL qualification is widely recognised as proof of ability and competence when working with IT. 
  • ECDL Essentials – Provides participants with the fundamental skills required to use a computer and gives an introduction into the use of internet and email. 
  • ECDL Extra – Provides participants with the skills needed to use standard computer applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and presentation software.
  • ECDL Advanced – Allows competent users to build on their IT skills and demonstrate their ability in a range of advanced computing techniques. 

Health & Social Care Training

Adept Training & Consultancy offers a range of Health and Social Care training courses for care workers of all experience levels. They are aimed at anyone that works in or for a residential care home, nursing home or children’s home. Courses are led by accredited professionals with experience of working in the care sector and who have an understanding of the issues that affect staff and residents within a care environment.

Computerised Accounts Training

Whether you’re a start-up, SME or large multi-national corporation, every company has to submit their accounts each year. Larger organisations may need to coordinate finances across an entire continent, while start-ups will need to perform the basic functions such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and trial balance. Both will require people with specialist skills who can manage the accounts – people who know how to use specialist software such as Sage and Quickbooks to make the whole process quicker and easier. 

Adept Training & Consultancy offers a range of accounts software training courses that give your employees the skills they need to carry out such functions. You can find course details listed on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us on 0115 958 2368.


Apprenticeship schemes allow candidates to work towards a nationally recognised qualification whilst they are in employment. We currently offer intermediate and advanced apprenticeships in:

  • Business and administration
  • Customer service
  • Health and social care
  • IT application specialist
  • Retail skills
  • Support teaching and learning in schools
  • Team leading and management
  • Warehousing and storage

Microsoft Office Training

Microsoft Office applications are used in all lines of work, whether it’s writing a letter in Word or producing a spreadsheet in Excel. Almost everybody who uses a PC at work can benefit from professional training in the use of Office programmes. At Adept Training & Consultancy we offer a range of courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced users, covering MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, MS Outlook and MS Publisher. You can find details of what each course includes and the entry requirements by visiting Adept online.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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