
Scotts Company (UK) Ltd

Unit 1 Archipelago Office Park
Lyon Way
GU16 7ER
United Kingdom

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The Scotts' Research and Development department has developed a complete range of fertilizers for all turf situations. Our fertilizers make golf greens faster, sports pitches stronger and parks greener. Whatever the demands are, we have an answer. Throughout Europe we can provide a range of leading products that control all types of turf disease and turf weeds. This means that turf is always at its best for playing sport or just enjoying. We also provide total weedkillers to remove unwanted vegetation and a specialist range of aquatic herbicides to keep lakes and waterways clean and clear.



Registration Number: 02924130
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:29 April, 1994 (30 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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  • Levington Horticulture

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