
Oriel Systems Ltd

Unit 1
Industry Park, Cricketts Lane
SN15 3EQ
United Kingdom

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Today 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM (Currently Closed)
Fax: 01249 705071
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Oriel Systems offers reliable, flexible and cost effective telemetry solutions based on over 25 years of industry experience. We provide a number of versatile telemetry and tank monitoring systems designed for use across a range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, water management, mining, oil and gas. Whatever your field of operation and however large or small the project, Oriel Systems can provide a telemetry, tank monitoring or VMI solution to suit. 

We have been in business for nearly 30 years, and over that time we have steadily grown to become one of the industry’s key providers. Our experience gives us a solid understanding of most telemetry and remote monitoring applications - we have a proven track record of delivering innovative, effective solutions that meet the needs of our customers. 

To find out more about what we can offer, please head over to Oriel Systems online. If you would like to discuss your requirements with one of our telemetry experts, simply give us a call on 01249 705070.

Video Outstation

We have developed an intelligent video unit capable of transmitting up to eight live feeds simultaneously over the internet. This is used in conjunction with our AWAX telemetry software, which enables you to monitor and control the cameras from a remote location whilst also monitoring and controlling other onsite functions. The streaming unit is capable of transmitting video at various resolutions, including television quality video. To find out more, head over to Oriel Systems online or get in touch on 01249 705070.

Intelligent Outstation

Our Intelligent Telemetry Outstation (ITO) can be programmed to monitor and control a range of plant and equipment from a remote location. It can be attached to many different kinds of IO module or even to PLCs and other intelligent devices, which means you can configure the entire system for your specific site. 

If required, Oriel Systems can also add a function to the Outstation that allows the unit to be connected with your own specialist hardware. The unit can then be connected back to the master station with a range of communication transmission options, giving you a live feed of what is happening onsite. 

Low Power Outstation

Our low power outstation has been designed with a solar-powered or wind-powered internal charge pump that enables it to generate its own 24V supply for ultrasonic sensors, giving accurate, reliable readings at all times. It usually communicates with the AWAX master station via radio or GSM/GPRS modem, and in most cases there is no need for a repeater station. The low power outstation conserves energy by automatically turning off all non-essential devices until the next operation – power consumption whilst in “sleep” mode is less than 1uA.

AWAX VMI Telemetry Software

Oriel Systems’ AWAX VMI Telemetry Software has been designed to offer simple control and monitoring over a number of remote sites. It facilitates data collection, monitoring and control in an industrial environment and offers an open, flexible and expandable solution for efficient monitoring of critical stock levels at customer sites worldwide. The VMI system is able to accurately predict delivery dates and times, and can also calculate the actual amount delivered (even if it is still to be consumed) and generate an invoice for each delivery.


AWAX SCADA software is an innovative, cost-effective system that connects to most PLC systems and many other types of hardware, as well as with our own range of remote units. This means our customers can easily upgrade their existing system without needing to replace existing remote units. Oriel Systems AWAX software is continually being developed and upgraded to keep abreast with technology advances and to ensure it can connect with the latest devices. Find out more by visiting Oriel Systems online or by calling us on 01249 705070.

Software consultants

We have been developing specialist software for Windows for decades, which makes us well placed to offer help in the development of new programmes for unique, industry-specific applications. Our team of developers will assess your requirements, devise a solution, and test and deliver a working product that meets your all your telemetry needs. The service also includes backup and ongoing support. 

We use the latest techniques, programming languages and testing methods to develop functional, user-friendly software packages tailored to your requirements. If needed, software interfaces can be made compatible with other manufacturer’s intelligent devices or remote plant. 

Complete Telemetry Solutions

We have a wealth of experience in the design and development of telemetry systems for use across a range of industrial sectors, and can therefore provide a complete telemetry solution for just about any application, from water and flood control to factory floor plant and equipment. 

We’ll design a control routine and conduct ongoing testing procedures to ensure the system performs to your requirements. Once the system is installed, you’ll have access to first-class technical support provided by a team of expert engineers with years of experience in system diagnosis, maintenance and servicing. 

Telemetry Hosting Services

Oriel Systems are happy to provide hosting services for your AWAX telemetry or Vendor Managed Inventory systems. Leaving your AWAX server in our hands means you will no longer need to make regular checks to ensure the system is functioning as it should be – any problems that arise with the system will be immediately brought to the attention of our engineers and promptly dealt with. To find out more about our telemetry hosting services, please visit Oriel Systems online or contact us on 01249 705070.



Registration Number: 01863005
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:13 November, 1984 (39 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Kings Lynn.

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • orielsystems Our systems are used across a very broad range of industries because of their power and flexibility; industries such as Water, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas and Mining. Whatever your industry and however big or small your project, if you need a telemetry, tank monitoring or VMI solution that is totally reliable, scalable, flexible and cost effective – we can help.

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