
TAB Computers Ltd

Brierley Park Close
NG17 3FW
United Kingdom

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TAB Computers is a computer systems support company based in Derbyshire offering a wide range of IT services to businesses of all kinds. We have many years experience serving companies in the East Midlands including Alfreton, Derby, Mansfield, Chesterfield and Nottingham.

Oour staff are Microsoft accredited and happy to provide honest, impartial advice on any IT requirements you may have. Our business is founded upon strong working relationships with clients and we will do our utmost to provide the best service we can before, during and after any project we undertake.

TAB Computers can provide you with an initial free, no-obligation audit that will enable us to assess your company’s IT systems setup and give you advice on how to optimise your current network. By streamlining the workflow associated with your current IT systems we can help your business to save time and money.

Manuals & Brochures



Registration Number: 07376577
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:15 September, 2010 (13 years and 8 months ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers

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