
Gate Auto

Unit 1, Valley Forge Business Park
Reedyford Road
United Kingdom

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Many residential properties have driveway gates but many are left open every day because of the hassle of having to manually open and close the gates to get into the property. In the past, having electric gates was only available to the wealthy. However, as new affordable technology has been brought to market, more and more people are now automating their entrances to address the increasing issues of home security caused by the current downturn in the economy.



Registration Number: 07577833
VAT Number: GB159 2273 94
Registered at Companies House:24 March, 2011 (13 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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Brand & Trade Names

  • LiftMaster LiftMaster is one of our most popular gate automation brands. Coming from Germany, the brand offers the reliability and durability we demand from an electric gate kit with a reasonable price tag. We also sell their amazing range of garage door openers which feature the innovative MyQ technology, making them the best openers on the market.

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