
Registered Number: FC018789
Date of Incorporation: 01/07/1995 (28 years and 9 months ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: 10 Avenue De L'Enterprise, 95863 Cergy-Pontoise, Cedex,


Spie-fondations was founded on 01 July 1995 and are based in Cedex. We do not know the number of employees at Spie-fondations. Andreou, Jean-charles, Monceaux, Stephane, Spie Batignolles, Coudert, Hubert, Le Turnier, Mireille, Anscutter, Francois Xavier, Cledat, Francois-xavier, Cornet, Bruno, Lambert, Jean-pierre Octave, Petard, Gerard, Polissadoff, Michel, Solans, Christian, Spie Citra S.A. are listed as directors of this organisation.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
ANDREOU, Jean-Charles 30 April 2008 - 1
MONCEAUX, Stephane 01 January 2009 - 1
SPIE BATIGNOLLES 12 June 2001 - 1
ANSCUTTER, Francois Xavier 27 March 1997 23 July 2004 1
CLEDAT, Francois-Xavier 20 September 1995 27 March 1997 1
CORNET, Bruno 20 September 1995 04 June 1997 1
LAMBERT, Jean-Pierre Octave 20 September 1995 23 July 2004 1
PETARD, Gerard 12 June 2001 23 July 2004 1
POLISSADOFF, Michel 20 September 1995 01 July 2009 1
SOLANS, Christian 28 September 1995 12 June 2001 1
SPIE CITRA S.A. 19 December 1995 12 June 2001 1
Secretary Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
COUDERT, Hubert 20 September 1995 03 April 1996 1
LE TURNIER, Mireille 03 April 1996 23 July 2004 1

Filing History

Document Type Date
AA - Annual Accounts 21 October 2014
AA - Annual Accounts 08 October 2013
AA - Annual Accounts 14 December 2012
AA - Annual Accounts 14 December 2012
OSTM01 - N/A 13 December 2012
OSAP01 - N/A 13 December 2012
OSAP01 - N/A 13 December 2012
AA - Annual Accounts 20 June 2011
AA - Annual Accounts 20 June 2011
BR5 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of address or other branch particulars 25 June 2009
AA - Annual Accounts 15 October 2008
AA - Annual Accounts 27 February 2007
BR5 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of address or other branch particulars 13 February 2007
BR2 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of an alteration to constitutional documents 04 January 2007
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 04 January 2007
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 04 January 2007
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 04 January 2007
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 04 January 2007
AA - Annual Accounts 15 August 2005
AA - Annual Accounts 09 August 2005
AA - Annual Accounts 24 November 2003
AA - Annual Accounts 06 January 2003
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 19 February 2002
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 19 February 2002
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 19 February 2002
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 19 February 2002
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 19 February 2002
AA - Annual Accounts 16 November 2001
AA - Annual Accounts 13 February 2001
AA - Annual Accounts 13 February 2001
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 19 August 1999
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 19 August 1999
AA - Annual Accounts 09 July 1999
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 05 October 1998
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 05 October 1998
BR5 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of address or other branch particulars 05 October 1998
AA - Annual Accounts 03 February 1998
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 03 February 1998
BR6 - Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 03 February 1998
BR5 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of address or other branch particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
BR4 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration of change of directors or secretary or of their particulars 03 February 1998
AA - Annual Accounts 17 February 1997
BR1-PAR - N/A 20 September 1995
BR1-PAR - N/A 20 September 1995
BR1-BCH - N/A 20 September 1995
BR1 - Return delivered for registration of a branch of an oversea company 20 September 1995

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.