Founded in 2017, R Hussey Services Ltd have registered office in Merthyr Tydfil, it has a status of "Active". We do not know the number of employees at the organisation. There is only one director listed for this business at Companies House.
Director Name | Appointed | Resigned | Total Appointments |
HUSSEY, Rhydian | 10 November 2017 | - | 1 |
Document Type | Date | |
DS02 - Withdrawal of striking off application by a company | 24 May 2020 | |
GAZ1(A) - First notification of strike-off in London Gazette) | 17 March 2020 | |
DS01 - Striking off application by a company | 10 March 2020 | |
CS01 - N/A | 21 November 2019 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 10 November 2019 | |
AA01 - Change of accounting reference date | 09 August 2019 | |
CS01 - N/A | 11 January 2019 | |
NEWINC - New incorporation documents | 10 November 2017 |