Established in 2014, Essential Progress Ltd have registered office in London, it's status in the Companies House registry is set to "Dissolved". This company does not have any directors listed at Companies House. We don't currently know the number of employees at this organisation.
Document Type | Date | |
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette | 08 August 2018 | |
LIQ13 - N/A | 08 May 2018 | |
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments | 15 February 2017 | |
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments | 26 February 2016 | |
RESOLUTIONS - N/A | 05 January 2015 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 05 January 2015 | |
4.70 - N/A | 05 January 2015 | |
600 - Notice of appointment of Liquidator in a voluntary winding up | 05 January 2015 | |
SH01 - Return of Allotment of shares | 29 December 2014 | |
RESOLUTIONS - N/A | 12 December 2014 | |
NEWINC - New incorporation documents | 20 November 2014 |