Based in Nottingham, Emma J Tilston Ltd was registered on 10 March 2017. We do not know the number of employees at the business. There are no directors listed for the company at Companies House.
Document Type | Date | |
CS01 - N/A | 17 March 2020 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 05 December 2019 | |
CS01 - N/A | 12 March 2019 | |
PSC04 - N/A | 12 March 2019 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 06 December 2018 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 04 April 2018 | |
AD05 - Notification to change the sitiuation of an England and Wales company or a Welsh company | 04 April 2018 | |
CS01 - N/A | 19 March 2018 | |
NEWINC - New incorporation documents | 10 March 2017 |