Based in London, Bryony Alexander Ltd was founded on 03 October 2002, it has a status of "Active". Currently we aren't aware of the number of employees at the this company. The current directors of the company are Harrison Wood, Ruth Adele, Narbeth, Gail.
Director Name | Appointed | Resigned | Total Appointments |
HARRISON WOOD, Ruth Adele | 03 October 2002 | - | 1 |
NARBETH, Gail | 03 October 2002 | 01 October 2008 | 1 |
Document Type | Date | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 22 July 2020 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 18 October 2019 | |
CS01 - N/A | 17 October 2019 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 24 July 2019 | |
CS01 - N/A | 25 October 2018 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 27 June 2018 | |
CS01 - N/A | 22 October 2017 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 25 July 2017 | |
CS01 - N/A | 04 November 2016 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 29 July 2016 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 25 November 2015 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 27 April 2015 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 10 October 2014 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 23 April 2014 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 11 November 2013 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 17 June 2013 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 15 November 2012 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 26 July 2012 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 10 February 2012 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 12 October 2011 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 01 June 2011 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 21 November 2010 | |
CH01 - Change of particulars for director | 21 November 2010 | |
CH03 - Change of particulars for secretary | 21 November 2010 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 02 September 2010 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 24 May 2010 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 03 November 2009 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 22 October 2009 | |
CH01 - Change of particulars for director | 22 October 2009 | |
363a - Annual Return | 27 October 2008 | |
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries | 01 October 2008 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 14 August 2008 | |
363a - Annual Return | 11 June 2008 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 26 September 2007 | |
363a - Annual Return | 20 November 2006 | |
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office | 20 September 2006 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 17 August 2006 | |
363a - Annual Return | 22 November 2005 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 27 May 2005 | |
363s - Annual Return | 13 October 2004 | |
288c - Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars | 28 September 2004 | |
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office | 18 August 2004 | |
288c - Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars | 18 August 2004 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 15 July 2004 | |
363s - Annual Return | 13 October 2003 | |
288a - Notice of appointment of directors or secretaries | 14 November 2002 | |
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office | 18 October 2002 | |
288a - Notice of appointment of directors or secretaries | 18 October 2002 | |
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries | 16 October 2002 | |
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries | 16 October 2002 | |
NEWINC - New incorporation documents | 03 October 2002 |