Founded in 2011, 24 Seven Claims Ltd are based in Gateshead in Tyne And Wear, it has a status of "Dissolved". We don't currently know the number of employees at the company. There are no directors listed for this business.
Document Type | Date | |
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette | 20 June 2017 | |
GAZ1 - First notification of strike-off action in London Gazette | 04 April 2017 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 16 May 2016 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 09 July 2015 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 09 April 2015 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 13 August 2014 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 09 April 2014 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 17 January 2014 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 30 April 2013 | |
AA - Annual Accounts | 31 January 2013 | |
AR01 - Annual Return | 24 May 2012 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 04 April 2012 | |
AD01 - Change of registered office address | 06 March 2012 | |
AP01 - Appointment of director | 21 October 2011 | |
TM01 - Termination of appointment of director | 08 September 2011 | |
NEWINC - New incorporation documents | 04 April 2011 |