
Workstream Construction Services Ltd

The Haybarn Unit 11
Fanton Hall Farm
SS12 9JF
United Kingdom

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Workstream Construction Services is a specialist provider of engineering, recruitment and site logistics solutions to all sectors of the construction industry, including building, civil engineering and railways. The services Workstream delivers encompass site engineering and setting out; technical training; topographical and building surveys; provision of temporary and permanent site personnel; surveying instrument hire; and logistics packages such as waste management, site security and traffic control. Founded in 1989, Workstream is headquartered in Bicester, Oxfordshire and has a further seven branch offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Swindon. The company's quality of service is underpinned by ISO 9001 certification at its London, Sheffield and Bicester offices and Investors in People accreditation.



Registration Number: 02566955
VAT Number: GB623 7220 65
Registered at Companies House:10 December, 1990 (33 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: 251-500
Annual Turnover: 20-50m
Parent Company: KCL (Holdings) Ltd.
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Birmingham, Edinburgh, London, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Sheffield and Swindon


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