
Towerite Ltd

5 Mere Farm Business Complex
Red House Lane
United Kingdom

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Towerite's team of qualified technicians and experienced engineers are dedicated to providing a comprehensive service across the spectrum of today's water, energy and environmental management issues.

Towerite's range of products and services are continually evaluated against emerging market trends and prevailing legislation to ensure that we are able to anticipate the changing needs of our customers.

In addition to our complete portfolio of water treatment chemicals, pre-treatment plant and dosing/control equipment, we are able to deliver unique solution to meet specific customer applications.

Towerite's investment in the latest technologies will ensure that our technical service visits, maintenance programmes, site deliveries and management reporting, consistently meet our customers' current and future needs.

Operating under a quality management system accredited to BS ESN 9002, it is the combination of our people and our products that gives Towerite's customers the confidence that their plant is in safe, capable hands.

Each of Towerite's activities is guided by a philosophy that puts the customer first.

A personal service that meets each customer as an individual and combines the flexibility and responsiveness to allow us to meet changing needs quickly and effectively.

Total Capability

By understanding our customers' business and tailoring our water treatment regimes to meet their agreed requirements, we ensure that our customers get the most cost-effective programme available to them.

Weather you require an assessment for water and air quality or a fully comprehensive water treatment service - Towerite has the capability and commitment to meet your expectations.



Registration Number: 02433029
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:16 October, 1989 (34 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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