
Synergy Personal Training

4 Chapel Street
St Day
TR16 5NE
United Kingdom

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Most people think that people who hire personal trainers are those wishing to lose weight or to just tone up. This is simply not true, many people from different walks of life employ the skills and knowledge of a personal trainer to help them achieve their goals. This may be from the everyday person from the gym wishing to gain more from their workouts with one-on-one tuition to aid technique and motivation. It could be however, an elite athlete wishing to get the extra 2% out of their bodies by using more complex and up-to-date training methods, or possibly someone that has been prescribed exercise from their doctor to help them with a wide range of ailments. Please don’t ever feel that you’re alone in needing the help of an exercise professional or to hesitate in asking me questions. Remember, there is no such thing as a silly question!

I have worked with novices to the elite athlete, people recovering from strokes, also people with learning disabilities. I am fully qualified and feel confident in answering any questions you have. I have spent the majority of my life in the fitness industry and many years qualifying so you can feel assured that I have an excellent knowledge base.

Luke Collins.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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