
Stalleon Maintenance Services Ltd

Stalleon House
Fawkham Road
TN15 6JS
United Kingdom

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Since our company formation in 1985, our team of professionals have been providing independent solutions to fire detection and protection and security system requirements. Working closely with all project parties including equipment suppliers, we apply our expertise and brand independence to provide a composite approach, supplying specialist control equipment that suits the individual requirements of each project.

We can provide installation, commissioning and service of a variety of systems to include:

  • Fire Detection
  • PA/ PAVA
  • CCTV
  • Access Control
  • Security Lighting

We are a BAFE accredited company and carry the KITEMARK for Fire Alarm Systems. All equipment we supply carries the applicable BS, EN, UL, FM, DIN or VDS standards approvals as required for the equipment, its use and/or location.


It is crucially important to use fast-acting fire detection and extinguishing systems that safely protect investments and people.

As a GENT 24 APPROVED SYSTEM INTEGRATOR, we offer GENT equipment and provide system design, installation and commissioning services as well as carry out maintenance operations.

A vital part of engineered fire protection is the experience, skill, knowledge and good judgment of the people who design and install the systems. That is where our more than a quarter century of experience comes in to the picture. We perform all work to the highest standards and we stand behind our work upon completion.


We don't manufacture security equipment ourselves, so we are able to independently select and provide the optimum range of security detection devices from our suppliers, offering you the most effective system possible. We are continually researching and evaluating new products to ensure that our comprehensive range of products keeps pace with new technology.

We offer an extensive range of internal and external CCTV, active and passive infra-red detection, coded door entry and floodlighting systems. We can design and supply a complete solution for everything from private homes or corner shops to commercial buildings and office suites.



Registration Number: 06436555
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:26 November, 2007 (16 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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