
PMG Engineering Ltd

66 Rectory Gardens
West Sussex
BN14 7TQ
United Kingdom

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PMG is a company you can trust with your welded fabrications and machining work. Including Structural Steelwork, Staircase, Gates, Railings, balustrades and other relates services. PMG Engineering is a Sussex based company established back in 1725. We have a 10,000 square foot, multi-disciplined, workshop producing a broad range of work. We have the facilities for fabricating, forming and machining in mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium and various specialist alloys. We also have a design team and drawing office to assist you in the design of your product or to produce production drawings from your own designs. From start to finish our production team will ensure that your order is processed promptly and to your satisfaction. In addition we offer a site installation, maintenance and repair service in the southern counties



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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