
Pammenter & Petrie Ltd

131 New John Street
West Midlands
B6 4LD
United Kingdom

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P&P is a privately owned independent company. Since establishing itself in 1980, P&P has become Europe's leading manufacturer and supplier of quality products and services with an un-equalled reputation for innovation and design to supply the safety industry with both a standard and bespoke range of products that fulfil the customer requirements. This unique commitment has allowed P&P to work alongside large and small customers' alike, supplying large quantities down to the one-off special requirements to ensure that the product and/or service is exactly what the customer needs. All P&P fall protection and rescue equipment is manufactured using the very best materials that always exceed legislational demands and are always designed with the users comfort in mind.



Registration Number: 08804761
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:6 December, 2013 (10 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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