
Misco Computer Products

26 Fellows Lane
West Midlands
B17 9TP
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Administration'

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Misco is a multi-million pound subsidiary of Europe's largest IT reseller, Systemax Europe Limited, and part of the US-owned Systemax Inc. Group of companies operating throughout the world, specialising in the sale of computers and related products. Misco, established in 1985 became part of Systemax Inc in 1993. As the second largest provider of I.T. equipment, Misco offers both consumers and businesses throughout the UK a one-stop solution for all their I.T. needs, including a source and supply service and IT related services. Same day despatch ensures that customers receive their products without delay with all orders placed by 6pm delivered the next working day. Approximately 1,500 orders are despatched every day from our 76,000sq ft purpose built warehouse. The Misco product line includes desktop and notebook PCs, printers, modems, monitors, networking solutions, software, supplies, accessories, AV, furniture and more.



Registration Number: SC114143
VAT Number: GB494 1756 15
Registered at Companies House:21 October, 1988 (35 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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