
Litre Meter Ltd

C/O Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp
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United Kingdom

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Litre Meter manufactures flowmeters & flow meters for liquids & gases.

Litre Meter has over 40 years experience in the design and manufacture of high performance flow meters and subsequently supplies a spectrum of flow meter products to suit most liquid, gas or steam measurement applications.

Our range is designed to cater to all manner of conditions from precision laboratory conditions to harsh sub-sea conditions. Continuous demand for our products is a clear indication of the success of our products used within the market. At Litre Meter, we have the capabilities to adhere to all flow meter requirements. Our eight calibration rigs, (and many more that are available from our world wide partners), complement our flow meter facility and allows us to provide a first rate, flow measurement service. Litre Meter is ISO9001:2008 approved. Our service is one of the best in the country and our products are used in various industry applications worldwide. Our team of trained, experienced engineers manufacture products to the highest of industry standards and are happy to answer any technical queries or questions you may have.


Tricor Coriolis Technology is the latest state of the art range of flow meters and we offer Tricor Mass Flow Meters that simultaneously measure volume flow, mass flow, density and temperature. The Tricor Mass Flow meter can now take the place of a variety of measuring instruments and the meters are easily sterilised and flushable. Tricor Mass Flow Meters contain no moving parts making them entirely suitable for flow measurement of aggressive and contaminated media. Litre Meter Ltd offers a compact version with an on site display as well as a remote version featuring electronics contained in panel mount housing or a wall mount.

Our Industries

Litre Meter Ltd has built many long-term business relationships with our clients across a diversity of industries thanks to our high quality products and high standards of customer service. We have been providing our products since 1975 and our clients include oil and gas, automotive, laboratory, and marine and mining as well as pharmaceutical companies, printing sectors, agrichem and aerospace. We also supply our products for power stations, textile processing uses, the food and beverage industry, and the quarrying industry, to name just a few. Visit the Litre Meter Ltd website to view our full range of flow measurement products.

Helical Screw

Helical screw technology is used within positive displacement flowmeters. These flowmeters can be used to measure the volume of liquids flowing through it with exceptional levels of accuracy. Furthermore, thanks to the helical screw design, users can utilise a wide range of liquids, including those with a higher viscosity. To find out more, please visit the website, alternatively you can contact our customer service team directly, by phone or email. 

Round Gear

Round gears are another component which are used within positive displacement flowmeters. When fluid is passing by it causes these gears to turn and this creates a positive displacement, allowing the flowmeter to ascertain the overall volume of liquid which is flowing. Customers can visit the website for a more comprehensive description on all of our products. If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact our customer service team and they can help you further. 

Litre Meter Flow

Litre Meter specialises in the manufacture of the LM (low flow) and MM (high flow) range of Pelton Wheel turbine flow meters and has done so since 1975. The VFF range of rotary piston positive displacement meters joined  the range in 1985. Many of the meters are customised to precise client requirements particularly in the field of oil and gas.

Oil & Gas Flow Measurement

Our range of flow meters is commonly supplied to assist the oil and gas industry. Different flow meters have qualities that are tailored to suit different applications and purposes. The VFF rotary piston positive displacement, for example, is mostly suited to chemical injection and is sought the world after for such processes. Our range of flow meters is suitable for a variety of applications be it onshore, offshore, sub-sea or topside. Our flow meter range consists of rotary pistons, the Pelton Wheel, vortex, thermal mass, ultrasonic, turbine and helical screw.

Pelton Wheel Flow Meters for Wide Ranges

Also known as a radial turbine, the development of the Pelton wheel flow meter was pioneered by Litre Meter. It offers an accurate, effective and versatile design suitable for many different fluids such as acid, chemicals, fuels, water and hot fats. The Pelton Wheel meter has many advantages and is suitable for both high and low rates.

Advantages and characteristics include:

  • Very large blade area to produce an exceptionally wide range flow meter with capabilities to measure very low flows.
  • The flow through the inlet of the meter is accurately directed onto the rotor which rotates at a speed in linear proportion to the flow rate.
  • A small sensing coil detects the ferrites mounted in the rotor blade tips as they pass. No drag is imposed on the rotor which assists in the measurement of extremely low flows.
  • Sapphire bearings provide a very low friction mechanically-robust bearing with long life characteristics.

Turndown can be as high as 280:1.

Ritter Volumetric Measurement for Gas

Here at Litre Meter, we supply a range of Ritter volumetric measurements for gas. We supply the TG Series, the MGC Milligas Counter and BG Bellows Gas Meter. The TG series of Ritter testers are used to measure and record gas volume from 0.1 to 18,000 litres per hour. The MGC Milligas Counter is designed for the measurement of small amounts of gas with ultra-low flow rates and the BG Bellows Gas Meters are applicable for measuring the volume of flowing inert and dry gases and are particularly effective at high gas flows.

Flow Control Applications

Pelton Wheel: features a large blade area which compared with the flow inlet port size produces exceptionally wide range flowmeter to measure very low flow.

Thermal Mass Capillary: based on heat transfer and the first law of thermodynamics. Thermal Mass Capillary is ideal for glas flow measurement and control.

Ultrasonic: measure travelling times or frequency shifts of ultrasonic waves in a pre-configured acoustic field to determine flow velocity.

Turbine: velocity measuring devices – measures average velocity of a fluid flowing through the body of the meter.

Electro-Magnetic: obtains flow velocity by measuring changes of induced voltage of the conductive fluid passing a controlled magnetic field.

Helical Screw: displacement flowmeters measure volumes of fluid flowing through by repeatedly counting the filling and discharging of known fixed volumes.

Coriolis Flow Meters

TRICOR Coriolis is a relatively new name in flow meter technology but one that is taking the industry by storm nonetheless. TRICOR delivers high performance Coriolis technology and we are pleased to offer this to our customers by way of the KCM with KCE8000 and TCM models.

KCM with KCE8000: high accuracy flowmeters that uses the coriolis principle for mass measurement.

TCM: state of the art coriolis flow instruments for non abrasive chemical compatible liquids.

Please contact the team at Litre Meter to find out more about the Tricor Coriolis Flow Meter range.

Pelton Wheel

The Pelton Wheel (or radial turbine) extracts energy from the impulse of moving water. It features a large blade area compared to the size of the flow inlet which leads it to create a flowmeter that can measure extremely large flows.

The flow, through the inlet, is accurately directed onto the rotor which rotates at a speed in linear proportion to the flow rate and a sensing coil detects the ferrites mounted in the rotor blade tips as they pass.

The Pelton Wheel is suitable for mounting across an orifice plate to create linear measurement over large flows. The Pelton Wheel features a linear relationship between the frequency and flow rate over a range of up to 65:1.

Rotary Piston

Positive displacement flowmeters (or PD meters) are used to measure volumes of flowing fluid by counting the filling and discharging of known fixed volumes. Positive displacement flowmeters usually feature a chamber to obstruct the flow and a rotating/ reciprocating mechanical unit creates fixed-volume discrete parcels from the passing fluid.

The rotor in the VFF is a disc shape featuring an annular groove capable of holding and transporting flow from the chamber inlet to the outlet. A typical metering repeatability is better than 0.2% and a meter accuracy of 1% actual reading is usually obtained over a substantial flow range.

Thermal Mass Capillary

This is based on heat transfer and the first law of thermodynamics. Gas enters the flow body of the instrument and divides into two flow paths. The majority of the gas flow passes through the Laminar Flow Element (LFE) bypass while a small proportion of the flow is diverted through a small ‘Capillary’ sensor tube with an ID between .007 to .028 inches. The LFE bypass creates a smooth, uniform flow profile called laminar flow which leads to the total flow measured in the sensor tube remaining in direct proportion to the gas flowing through the LFE bypass. By measuring the flow in the sensor tube, the total mass flow rate can be calculated.

Thermal Mass Industrial

Immersible thermal mass flow meters are designed to be completely immersed into the flow stream in order to measure high gas mass flow rates in harsher environments.
The reference thermistor measures the temperature of the gas while the flow thermistor is electronically maintained at a temperature typically 40 degrees C hotter than the gas temperature.

As the gas starts to flow, the flow thermistor is cooled as the molecules of gas take heat away from the heated flow thermistor. The heat that has been removed from the flow thermistor is returned by the electronic heater circuit to maintain a constant temperature differential between the two thermistors.

Vortex Shedding

Vortex shedding is an oscillating flow that occurs when a fluid flows past a cylindrical body at certain velocities dependant on the size and shape of the body.  When the fluid stream meets a fixed obstruction the fluid divides to pass around the barrier. At low flow rates, the viscous forces keep the fluid attached to the wall of the body and the fluid recombines in a symmetrical fashion. As the flow rates increase, the flow eventually cannot withstand the adhesion pressure gradiant along the surface of the body and boundary layer separates from it to form rotating vortices that are carried downstream. As flow rates increase further the vortices line up directly behind the obstruction. Using the pressure pulse the frequency of the oscillation can be measured and a flow rate derived.


Ultrasonic flowmeters measure travelling times or the frequency shifts of ultrasonic waves in a pre-configured field that the flow is passing through in order to determine the flow velocity. Ultrasonic flowmeters can be clamped-on (located outside of the pipe with no wetted parts) or inline (requires fitting flanges or wafers for installation).


Inline axial turbine flowmeters are velocity measuring devices used to measure the average velocity of a fluid flowing through the body of the meter. They are designed to provide highly accurate results when measuring liquid and gas volumetric flow. They feature a vaned rotor mounted within the body of the liquid turbine flowmeter which is centred on a shaft and allowed to rotate on bearings. The shaft is supported in the housing by tube handles that also provide a measure of flow conditioning for the fluid stream.

Gas Meters

Wet Gas (or drum) meters feature a horizontally disposed drum that is divided into sections. The drum is free to rotor about its axis and a fluid, usually water, is filled to just over the centre line. As the gas enters the drum and fills the section it displaces the fluid enabling the drum to rotate. When the compartment is full, the inlet is sealed by the fluid. The inlet port next to it then opens allowing the drum to continue rotating. As the drum rotates the fluid enters the first section and the trapped gas is expelled through the outlet. One revolution of the drum is a known as a volume of gas.



Registration Number: 01216862
VAT Number: GB410 7160 01
Registered at Companies House:20 June, 1975 (49 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 11-20
Annual Turnover: 2-5m
Parent Company: TASI Group
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor

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Monday 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Wednesday 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Thursday 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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