
John O'Keefe & Son

The Courtyard
41 Stanhope St
L8 5RE
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Liquidation'

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Based in the North West we specialise in a wide range of services including Signs, Control Panels, Nameplates, Badges, Labels, Plaques, Dies, door signs, banners, vehicle graphics, lorry graphics, car graphics, engraved labels, direction signs, nameplates- etched, bronze, metal, stainless steel, Self adhesive, laminated etc. We can produce all types of lettering - vinyl etc, all types of signs - illuminated, safety, boxes, fixings frames etc, shop fascias, digital printing, pop up stands, display stands , exhibition stands, site hoardings etc. We handle inquiries from all over Merseyside, Manchester, Liverpool, North West, UK etc. Please view our website, online catalogue or give us a call.



Registration Number: 04712444
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:26 March, 2003 (21 years ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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