
Jena Rotary Technology Ltd
Industrial Products Division

Unit C2, Willow Drive, Sherwood Park
NG15 0DP
United Kingdom

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Jena Tec are the uk's leading manufacturer of spindles, ballscrews and linear motion products. Offering new, repair and reconditioning services,we are the only independent in the field of spindles, ballscrews and linear motion including GMN. Close to M1-J27 we offer out of hours/emergency cover.ballscrew repair, spindle repair, B&T spindle, GMN, Mori Seiki, Mazak, Bridgeport, Cincinnati, Haas, DMG, Weiss, Gamfior, THK, NSK, Steinmeyer, Boehringer spindle, linear motion, linear actuators, ballscrew end supports, linear rail guides , actuator repair, motor rewinding, colombo spindles, Cross Huller spindles, Ibag, spindles, linear motion systems, rolled ballscrews, hard whirled ballscrews, high frequency spindles, belt driven spindles, toolpost grinders, metal spraying and surface reclamation, gearbox repair, servo motor repair, vibration analysis, motor repair, spindle balancing, bearing analysis, reverse engineering, precision grinding services, milling, turning, jig milling, jig boring, grinding attachments, tool post grinder, woodworking spindles,



Registration Number: 02760232
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:29 October, 1992 (31 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • Boneham & Turner Spindles Manufacture inhouse, the B&T range comprises a wide variety of belt driven and motorised grinding spindles
  • Colombo Cost effective high speed motorised spindle for woodworking and soft metals
  • EDrive Steel walled ballscrew driven cylinder actuators up to 178000N thrust with 5 years warranty
  • GMN High frequency, high performance milling and grinding spindles from GMN Germany
  • Jena Tec High quality german produced precision ground and rolled ballscrews
  • Kinetic Cost effective aluminium housing, ballscrew and belt driven linear actuators
  • SBC Korean manufacturer of linear rails and guide systems including a full range of linear motion components

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