
JDL Fork Truck Services Ltd

Unit 9
Fieldhouse Way
South Yorkshire
S4 7SF
United Kingdom

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J D L is a Yorkshire based company covering all your needs - Sales - Service - Hire - Repairs and Maintenance on your Fork Lift Trucks. We are a servicing company with a team of mobile engineers and offer a 24 hour coverage with fast response times on breakdowns.
Service and maintenance agreements can be arranged on all makes and models of Fork Lift Trucks whether gas, diesel or electric, these can be tailor made to suit individual needs.
J D L are the main dealer in south Yorkshire for the supply of Samuk Fork Lift Trucks. Due to major investment J D L can now carry out laptop diagnostics, repairs and servicing on the range of Linde Fork Lift Trucks.
All our engineers are qualified to carry out the Thorough Examinations (LOLER98) under the CFTS Quality Assurance Procedural Code.
We also offer a wide range of used and refurbished Fork Lift Trucks for sale or hire, many makes and models along with hand pallet trucks. Short or long term hire is available on our wide range of gas, diesel and electric Fork Lift Trucks. All of our hire fleet are serviced and maintained on a regular basis. They meet current health and safety requirements and carry the relevant certification.



Registration Number: 05563998
VAT Number: GB728 1701 41
Registered at Companies House:14 September, 2005 (18 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Distributor
  • Service Providers


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