
Firefly (TBA Textiles Ltd)

PO Box 40
Off Rooley Moor Road
OL12 7EQ
United Kingdom

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TBA Textiles Ltd. established over 120 years ago is now one of the world’s leading developers, manufacturers and suppliers of high performance textiles. With a large network of customers and distributors world-wide, TBA offer unsurpassed customer service and development. We produce an extensive range of products for use in specific areas and for specialised applications and all products satisfy the strictest UK, European and International Standards, produced within the controlling influences of ISO9001. Covering more than 100 countries, our network of distributors and agents ensure high levels of customer support and service can be maintained at all levels. Of particular interest to the Construction Industry is the development of the range of Passive Fire Protection Products. After more than 3 years developing and patenting a revolutionary lightweight, flexible Cavity Fire Barrier system, Firefly now have a product that is specified and installed extensively throughout the UK. Airports, Hospitals, Schools, Food Processing Factories, Retail Outlets, Cold Rooms, Computer Rooms, Supermarkets and Warehouses are just a few of the types of project where products have been utilised. The non-fibre migration properties of the products and simple installation methods make extremely user-friendly for the installer.



Registration Number: 03425139
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:27 August, 1997 (26 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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