
Downlands Packaging Ltd

Unit 1
Marlborough Road
West Sussex
BN15 8UF
United Kingdom

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Design, Manufacture, Deliver - The full package - Downlands provide it all ! From initial contact our sales manager will visit and get details of your requirements. We will raise a full specification, sample and costings. We will manufacture on site, from a wide range of materials and deliver to your door using our own transport. You will benefit from the expertise and care of our skilled staff at every stage of the process. Downlands Packaging is a privately owned company, operating from its own premises in Lancing, West Sussex. It prides itself with the ability to provide first class design options, competively priced and delivered on time. Whilst having a modern progressive outlook we also have traditional values and our word is our bond. Whatever your packaging requirement, give us a try, we are sure you will be very satisfied and happy you took the time to do so.



Registration Number: 02606536
VAT Number: GB587 5605 94
Registered at Companies House:1 May, 1991 (32 years and 11 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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