
Danbury Fencing Ltd

The Lound
Maldon Road
United Kingdom

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For over 45 years we have been providing fencing services in the region. We are renowned for the quality of our products and service and in addition to a well-stocked shop, warehouse and yard, we also have our own timber treatment plants and manufacturing facilities.

Whilst the company has expanded, it remains a family firm and we pride ourselves that whatever the job all our customers can be assured of the Danbury service from our dedicated staff.

For supply and erect customers we provide a free estimating service and our experienced estimators will give you advice and guidance on the options and solutions to your fencing needs.

For the DIY fencer and our trade customers we supply an extensive range of fencing and fencing related products from panels to aggregates and tools. Again, our staff are on hand to assist and provide any advice needed.

We now have our own ONLINE SHOP so our customers can visit us and order online from home or on the go.

We welcome both trade and private customers and whatever your fencing need, whether supply and erect or supply only, we are here to help you.



Registration Number: 01026199
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:4 October, 1971 (52 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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