
Cupboards Direct Ltd

PO Box 6788
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Liquidation'

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Since our Company was originally founded on selling Cupboards & Lockers we are confident that we can accommodate your needs. We have one of the largest ranges, offering the best quality Cupboards & Lockers at the best prices. For Those Larger Projects: We would be pleased to visit you to discuss your requirements with you personally. Just give us a call on 0870 766 1826 now! Delivery Time: Many of our products are delivered within 3 - 7 working days. But we will always quote you a realistic delivery time when you place your order. Delivery Cost: All orders are delivered completely FREE of charge to UK mainland excluding the Highlands and Islands. Easy Payment Terms: 30 days terms are given once an account has been approved Credit Cards: We are pleased to accept all major credit cards Secure On-line ordering: We use Worldpay, part of the Royal Bank Of Scotland Group for the secure transfer and processing of credit card information using state of the art encryption and secure sockets layer (SSL) technology. Delivery Cost: All orders are delivered completely FREE of charge to UK mainland excluding the Highlands and Islands.



Registration Number: 04830400
VAT Number: GB844 6446 08
Registered at Companies House:11 July, 2003 (20 years and 9 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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