
Commercial Conaultants

19 Moorfield
United Kingdom

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Founded in 2005, Commercial Consultants UK Ltd has enjoyed year-to-year growth, which has automatically resulted in expansion into other sectors and disciplines outside of its specialist recruitment for the Engineering sector.
With their Head Quarters in Derbyshire they are represented throughout the UK allowing excellent service to both new, old and key account management clients. Due to market leading professional representation, Commercial Consultants UK Ltd has been able not only to supply contract and permanent staff in the UK but also in various global locations (including expatriates) i.e. Kenya, Uganda, Spain, France, Belarus.
In order to achieve the ultimate goal of supplying quality staff to clients, Commercial Consultants UK Ltd has internally introduced various management procedures such as the UKAS ISO9001 accreditation, Link-UP approval and integrated databases. The update of recruitment laws and regulations are constantly scrutinized and monitored. Commercial Consultants UK Ltd also work hand in hand with  organisations such as the Recruitment & Employment Confederation, local authorities and specialised accountants in order to help both their contract/permanent candidates and clients.
Presently and in the future, Commercial Consultants UK Ltd aims to continue growth into various sectors, disciplines and global destinations. In order to achieve this, Commercial Consultants UK Ltd must strive to attract highly qualified or market leading employees and consistently maintain and improve integrated IT systems, which are now dominant in the world of recruitment.



Registration Number: 09223873
VAT Number: GB865 4459 86
Registered at Companies House:18 September, 2014 (9 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a


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