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  • Mrs Julie Eaton - Sales Director


Chemical Solutions offers a fantastic range of top quality cleaning products to domestic and commercial customers alike.

Here at Chemical Solutions we are committed to providing the most effective cleaning solutions at competitive prices. Our experience in the industry enables us to provide products of the highest standard. All of our products, in fact, are manufactured by ISO 9002 registered British chemists.

We offer various cleaning products including: aerosol products, catering products, floor and housekeeping products, laundry products, maintenance products and washroom products. Please follow the link to our website to view our complete product range.

For further information or advice regarding our product range or the suitability of products to specific cleaning projects, please give us a call and we will be happy to help.

Freeflow Drain Maintainer

The Freeflow Drain Maintainer is an excellent product designed to remove the build up of grease and reduce nasty odours coming from drains. It is widely used for commercial kitchens, restaurants, cafes and catering establishments where drains need to be kept in good condition. Freeflow is 100% environmentally friendly and is easy to use. It can be used with our automatic timer and delivery system to ensure the correct dosage of freeflow is introduced into the system on a regular basis. Please visit our website to purchase Freeflow easily online. Or please call us at Chemical Solutions for further information.

Snow and Ice Clear

Snow and Ice Clear is our fabulous product designed to de-ice paths, driveways, roads, runways, steps and more. It works extremely fast – eight times faster than rock salt, in fact, – and does not leave a residue. Snow and Ice Clear is non-toxic to humans and animals, fully biodegradable, lightweight, can be used to prevent snow and ice build up, effective up to -59 degrees C, and works for a longer length of time compared to other available methods. Please visit our website to view customer reviews and to find out more.

Sphag Sorb Oil Absorbent

Sphag Sorb Oil Absorbent is an extremely effective, non-toxic, non-abrasive oil absorbent. It is a natural product that is manufactured from Canadian peat moss and is widely used to absorb chemicals and spills in a range of industries. It is suitable for absorbing oil spills on land and water and is 100% environmentally friendly. Sphag Sorb is up to ten times more absorbent than clay and is lightweight and easy to use. It is a versatile and economical product that can be used for multiple applications. Sphag Sorb is available in different size bags or buckets to suit customer requirements.

Alcohol Hand Sanitiser

We also supply high quality Alcohol Hand Sanitisers. These are effective against the spread of Swine Flu and other germs, viruses and bacteria including influenza A type, MRSA and ecoli. The hand sanitiser is easy to apply and does not leave a residual scent. It is widely used in areas such as schools, colleges, offices, care homes and various public buildings. Please visit our website to find out more about our alcohol hand sanitiser and/or to order easily online.

Aerosol Products

Chemical Solutions offers a wide selection of aerosol products to suit different application types. The range includes: Aerosol Air Fresheners, Aerosol Anti-Static Foam Cleaners, Aerosol Circuit Board Cleaners, Aerosol Graffiti Clean, Aerosol Clear Penetrating Oil, Aerosol High Wax Polish, Aerosol Line Marker Paint, Aerosol Sticky Label Remover, Aerosol White Grease, Aerosol Window and Mirror Cleaner and Aerosol Workmate. Full product descriptions, including images and prices, are available to view on our website. For further information regarding our aerosol range, please contact us directly at Chemical Solutions.

Catering Products

We also offer a wide range of cleaning and maintenance products suitable for use in kitchen environments. Examples of the range include: Anti-Bacterial Wipes, Automatic Dishwasher Detergent (superior economy for automatics), Chlorine Tablets (effervescent bleaching tablets), Concentrated Washing Up Liquid (excellent cleaning and economy), Freeflow (drain maintainer), Grill and Oven Cleaner (thick gel oven cleaner), Kitchen Area Cleaner and Rinse Aid (automatic dishwasher rinse additive). Please view our complete range of cleaning products suitable for kitchen use on our website.

Floor & House Keeping Products

Please also contact Chemical Solutions for all of your floor and house keeping cleaning requirements. We supply: Floor Maintainer (buffable detergent), Floor Polish (self shine floor polish), Floor Stripper (polish remover), Carpet Shampoo (for use on all carpet types) and Glass Clean (window and mirror cleaner). Full product descriptions including images and prices are available to view on our website. Please contact us Chemical Solutions with your requirements.

Maintenance Products

We offer a wide selection of top quality maintenance products suitable for various industry applications. Our range features: Biocide BW1 and BW2 (water treatment), Brake Cleaner, Chassis and Engine Cleaner, Citrus Drainclens, Descale, Drainclear, Fresh Clean, Graffiti Clean Gel, Heavy Duty Cleaner, Indsutrial Hand Wipes, Odour Masks, Rapid Degreasers, Pathclear, Powersorb (biological cleaner), Red Beaded Hand Cleaner, Screenwash, Sphag Sorb (industrial absorber), Snowclear, Superfloc (mud and silt remover), Super Truck Wash, Truck Wash and Wash ‘N’ Wax.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: GB211 9363 84
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Distributor

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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