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Registration Number: 09605947
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:22 May, 2015 (8 years and 10 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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  • Bubble O'Tea Classes and terms Class 30 Beverages based on chocolate;Beverages based on coffee;Beverages based on tea;Beverages with tea base;Black tea;Caffeine-free coffee;Chai tea;Chocolate based drinks;Chocolate beverages;Chocolate beverages containing milk;Chocolate beverages with milk;Drinking chocolate;Green tea;Ice beverages with a chocolate base;Ice beverages with a coffee base;Iced tea;Preparations for making beverages [chocolate based];Preparations for making beverages [cocoa based];Preparations for making beverages [coffee based];Preparations for making beverages [tea based];Tea;Tea based beverages (Non-medicated -);Tea-based beverages;Tea-based beverages with fruit flavoring;Tapioca. Class 32 Alcohol free beverages;Beverages consisting of a blend of fruit and vegetable juices;Beverages consisting principally of fruit juices;Beverages (Non-alcoholic -);Cocktails, non-alcoholic;Fruit beverages;Fruit beverages and fruit juices;Fruit beverages (non-alcoholic);Fruit drinks;Fruit nectars, non-alcoholic;Fruit-based beverages;Fruit-based soft drinks flavored with tea;Non-alcoholic beverages;Non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit juices;Non-alcoholic beverages flavored with tea;Non-alcoholic beverages flavoured with tea;Non-alcoholic beverages with tea flavor;Powders used in the preparation of fruit-based beverages;Powders used in the preparation of fruit-based drinks;Preparation for making non-alcoholic beverages;Syrups for beverages;Syrups for making beverages;Syrups for making fruit-flavored drinks;Syrups for making non-alcoholic beverages;Water-based beverages containing tea extracts. Class 43 Cafe services;Catering for the provision of food and drink;Food and drink catering.

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