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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Liquidation'
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We are an independent manufacturer, trusted around the world to provide total turnkey power solutions, including diesel generators, standby generators and generating sets, from 6kVA to over 30MVA. We provide prime, standby backup, base load and critical power generation as well as UPS systems for marine, oil and gas applications as well as for other industries. We also offer gas and co-generation (CHP) systems. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, we can say with confidence that our engineering expertise enables us to meet any requirement for power generation. Our systems are at work around the world in remote tropical areas, at high altitudes, at sea and in noise-sensitive environments. As an independent company, we are not tied to one single manufacturer for engines or alternators, so we can always provide you with the best solution for your specific requirements without compromise. Although we are a global company, we know the value of understanding local issues. We know that "one size does not fit all," so we will design a power generation solution tailored to match your requirements completely.
Registration Number: | 02897492 |
VAT Number: | GB765 3387 01 |
Registered at Companies House: | 11 February, 1994 (30 years and 9 months ago) |
No of Employees: | n/a |
Annual Turnover: | 20-50m |
Parent Company: | Broadcrown Holdings |
Importers: | |
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Company Type: |
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements |
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