
Atlas Communications Ltd

1 West Bank Close
County Antrim
United Kingdom

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Bytel Limited is a networking and Internet Hosting company based in Belfast Northern Ireland. The company is an Internet Solutions provider and maintains and supports the Belfast Internet Point of Presence (POP) for MCI. MCI is a global communications company with annual revenue of over $20 billion and established operations in over 65 countries. It is a global leader in the Internet market providing 65% plus of the international Internet Backbone. MCI is the only Tier 1 carrier in Northern Ireland and is at the top of the telecommunications peering and settlements food chain. It is through this relationship with MCI that enables Bytel to offer customers connection to the Internet Backbone thereby supplying them with the fastest most reliable internet connection available in the province. Bytel has vast experience in the technology sector and also offers a range of additional products and services such as: Hosting Virtual Private Networks Connectivity Network support/Maintenance and Specialised Software Products.



Registration Number: SC222379
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:21 August, 2001 (22 years and 8 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers


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