
Aquaserve Water Coolers Ltd

23 Warminghurst Close
West Sussex
RH20 3QD
United Kingdom

Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Feed up with the taste of your tap water? Concerned about the additives in tap water? The natural, fresh, clear mountain water from Aquaserve is the solution At work or home, Aquaserve have a cooler to meet your needs. Whether your a domestic customer worrying about the quality and the additives in the local water supply. Or you are an employer who knows that bottled water is especially benefical in today's health-conscious society. With many employees now choosing bottled water as their preferred drink. You can even make the Tea with our Hot & Cold dispensors. Contact Aquaserve today for a free trial Tel: 0800 195 6949 Water coolers are rapidly being viewed as a necessity in the workplace as more and more companies are recognising the benefits of providing cool, natural drinks for their employees. Aquaserve has undertaken extensive research to select best range of coolers both for quality and design available. We can offere units that provide water: chilled heated ambient



Registration Number: 03669682
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:18 November, 1998 (25 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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