
Air Marketing Ltd

Hawkhurst House
Headley Road East
United Kingdom

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Air Marketing is a creative marketing agency specialising in the catering and hospitality industry. Acting as a virtual marketing department for clients, which include caterers, restaurants, hotels, venues and pubs, Air Marketing provides a comprehensive service from strategy and development through to day-to-day hands-on delivery of every element of the marketing mix. With specialist expertise in client relationship management, strategic planning, direct marketing and PR, Air Marketing also partners with high-calibre service providers to deliver additional services such as graphic and web design, e-marketing and photography. Established in 2003, Air Marketing is a young, enthusiastic company built upon a successful collaboration of highly experienced marketing professionals. Founded by Inga Rose, a marketing and business development professional with over 15 years' experience, Air Marketing aims to be an influential voice within the catering and hospitality industry



Registration Number: 05507495
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:13 July, 2005 (18 years and 9 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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