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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Liquidation'
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Advanced Titanium Materials Ltd is a well regarded company that specialises in the manufacture and supply of a range of titanium products. Such products include titanium sheets, titanium rings, titanium flanges, ingots, forgings, machining and many more. Created in 1998, the company is now well established and is well-known throughout the UK and abroad for the quality titanium products and services it supplies its customers both new and old. We work tirelessly to meet all of our customers' requirements. Our titanium products are used in a range of industries. Such industries include aero engines, automotive, steam turbines, jewellery, offshore piping systems, marine, military hardware and many more. We are efficient, reliable and, ultimately, provide all of our customers with quality titanium products.
Registration Number: | 06753869 |
VAT Number: | GB737 5237 19 |
Registered at Companies House: | 20 November, 2008 (16 years and 1 month ago) |
No of Employees: | n/a |
Annual Turnover: | n/a |
Importers: | |
Exporters: | |
Company Type: |
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements |
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