
Adept (Vacuum Formers & Patterns) Ltd

Unit C3
141 Waterside Road
Hamilton Industrial Park
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Adept VP is a leading vacuum forming company with more than 25 years of experience. Vacuum forming is a simpler type of thermoforming in which a sheet of plastic is heated to a temperature suitable for malleability and forming, stretched onto a convex or a concave mould, and forced against the mould through vacuum suction. Based in Leicester, within easy each of the M1, we can easily service clients across the Midlands and the country.


Our clients use our vacuum-formed components in a range of applications and industries – from point-of-sale, to vending, to automotive manufacturing, educational applications, the aerospace industry, packaging, defence contracting, leisure, and horticultural applications. Please contact us for more details.


We have a range of capabilities built in to our equipment and processes. We can vacuum form sheets in thicknesses ranging from 0.2mm to 6mm; adaptable to multiple batches or continuous runs, with seven forming machines if different sizes; cutting equipment on a five-axis routing; in-house tooling, prototyping and production, and diligent quality control. Please contact us for more details.



Registration Number: 03253196
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:23 September, 1996 (27 years and 6 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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