
Innovation Waste Management Ltd

6 Ladymere Drive
M28 7DH
United Kingdom

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With extensive knowledge of the waste management industry, we work with waste producers and contractors to provide the best solution for their needs. Our team of dedicated staff offer a professional, reliable service, and have the technical expertise to deal with your project on a one to one basis. Our aim is to minimise your environmental impact, while still taking commercial considerations into account, and ensuring we comply with all current legislation. We can advise on whether your waste is hazardous or non-hazardous and help you apply for the relevant Premises Regulations.

The waste industry's regulations are always changing, and can be extremely complex. We can help give you advice that is easy to understand, and make recommendations based on your needs. Whether it's on or off-site solutions, we provide all the necessary documentation, and offer management strategies that reduce the amount of waste you produce. Call today to find out how we can help with your waste management needs.  


We offer recycling facilities throughout the UK, segregating and recycling a wide range of materials including:

  • Plastics
  • Paper
  • Metals
  • Glass
  • Wood

We can help your company meet the targets for packaging that are required under packaging recycling regulations, and can take care of difficult to dispose of items such as aerosols and batteries. Our team can give you advice on drawing up your recycling strategy, and we make it easy to hit your targets. If your business has an environmental policy, then recycling should be at the centre of it, and we can help make this possible.


Our range of chemical, physical, thermal, and biological treatments are suitable for a wide range of waste streams, removing or reducing the hazardous nature of your waste. Our treatments include:

  • Acid or alkali neutralisation – Used for wastes including acids, carbonate, and silicate salts.
  • Precipitation and filtration – For heavy metal contaminated effluent
  • Consolidation – For aqueous glycols and solutions where toxic heavy metals can't be precipitated
  • Oxidation – Typically used for cyanide salts and solutions
  • Bio-Treatment – For materials unsuitable for direct sewer discharge
  • Plasma Arc – Typically used for inorganic waste and air pollution control residues


We have used our advanced technology to recover many waste streams that have previously been used for landfill or incineration, allowing companies to save money by buying recovered materials instead of product. We can devise a solution where your waste is recovered, then made into a product to meet your specifications. Our team ensure your solution follows the Hazardous Waste Regulations of 2006, and gives the best possible value for money for your company.  

Managed Services

Our technical team offer a comprehensive waste management service, from the assessment of waste, to selection of route, completion of mandatory paperwork, and correct labelling of waste. This ensures that you stay compliant with new legislation, and your waste is handled and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. We organise transport and bookings for our treatment and disposal facilities, with one central point of contact it's so easy to resolve your waste management problems.  



Registration Number: 05584573
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:6 October, 2005 (18 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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