
Faro Technologies UK Ltd

Great Central Way
Butlers Leap
CV21 3XH
United Kingdom

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Today 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM (Open)
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FARO (NASDAQ: FARO) develops and markets computer-aided measurement systems and software worldwide. The portable coordinate measuring devices from FARO, together with their industry-specific software solutions, allow high-precision 3D measurements and 3D comparisons of parts and complex systems directly within assembly and production processes. FARO measurement systems are used anywhere where the most accurate measurements are necessary. They are used for inspecting components and component assemblies, production planning and inventory documentation, as well as for the investigation and reconstruction of accident sites and crime scenes. They are also used for digital scanning of historical sites.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Brand & Trade Names

  • FARO® Gage, Gage-PLUS and PowerGAGE FARO® Gage, Gage-PLUS and PowerGAGE are high-precision, portable 3D coordinate measurement systems with a working range of 1.20 metres and a measurement accuracy of ±0.005 mm (±0.0002''). A variety of attachment options enable rapid deployment directly at the workplace or in a processing centre. With FARO PowerGAGE, components can be measured and inspected based on CAD data, as well. The measurement system contains a powerful software programming module, as well as a player module for fast orientation.
  • FARO® Laser ScanArm V2 und V3 The FARO® Laser ScanArm V2 and V3 facilitate contact and non-contact measurements in one operation. They are perfectly adapted to CAD comparisons, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering and 3D modelling. The ScanArm combines the portable 7-axis FARO measurement arm with a laser sensor. It is very user-friendly and offers maximum freedom of movement without cumbersome external cable connections.
  • FARO® Laser Scanner Photon The FARO® Laser Scanner PhotonT 20 and PhotonT 80 are the latest generation of easy-to-operate mobile laser measurement devices. With its high image quality, scanning speed, and positioning accuracy, the FARO Photon quickly and accurately creates three-dimensional black-and-white photos - also known as point clouds - of large buildings, factories, or crime scenes. Photorealistic 3D colour pictures are possible with an expansion option. The FARO Laser Scanner Photon can be easily expanded and can be used by anyone after brief initial training.
  • FARO® Laser Tracker X and Xi The FARO® Laser Tracker X and Xi are portable measurement systems that use a laser beam to measure the 3D coordinates of large components, equipment, and machines with the help of a spherical probe. Using high-precision angle-of-rotation transmitters and Xtreme ADM (Absolute Distance Measurement), they calculate the 3D position in real time with an accuracy of up to ±0.025 mm (0.001'') at a range of up to 70 metres. Besides Xtreme ADM, the FARO Laser Tracker Xi also uses an interferometer for distance measurement, which makes it the most accurate and most flexible laser tracker system.
  • FaroArm® Fusion, Platinum, Quantum The FaroArm® product line consisting of Quantum, Platinum, and Fusion, are flexibly deployable, portable measuring systems for 3D measurements. They meet the high accuracy requirements posed by development and production. The FaroArm products measure, digitize, or create a CAD component analysis right in production or during assembly. The measurement arms are available with six or seven axes and with up to five measuring volumes.