

Bullseye Media is an online marketing agency which aims to help you achieve your business goals through the development and optimisation of a website that attracts visitors and converts them into customers, driving sales and achieving real business growth.  Using the latest and most effective SEO and PPC strategies, we drive thousands of customers to our client’s sites every month. 

At Bullseye Media we take a different approach to most other online marketing agencies - one which sees us working closely with our clients to understand their business and their market in order to develop a strategy that is tailored to their needs. By simply listening to your requirements first, we help you avoid the costs of paid search activities and ensure that no time is wasted optimising the wrong keywords. 

Our service is always based on honesty. Unlike some of our competitors, we’ll only ever set targets that are actually achievable, because with online marketing and search engine optimisation there are no magic formulas. However, we always do our utmost to ensure the very best results for your business, and we have a strong track record of achieving page one and number one positions on all of the major search engines.

So if you need a reliable business partner that can look after all your online channels, improve website traffic and drive sales, Bullseye Media is the company to call. You can find out more about our services in the sections below and on our website. 

Complete Search Engine Optimisation

Bullseye Media is one of the UK’s leading Search Engine Optimisation companies, and we have a team of SEO experts ready to help you enhance your online presence and improve business sales. Our fully managed SEO solutions include:

  • In-depth research into your market, keywords and competitors
  • Full on-page optimisation
  • An expert link building campaign (off-page optimisation)
  • Analytics setup and testing
  • Social media guidance and account setup (optional)
  • Tailor-made reporting

To ensure your needs are met, we assign a dedicated account manager to every project and provide an online project management portal that enables you to monitor progress. 

Express SEO

Our Express SEO services are aimed at small businesses and/or those on a limited budget. They are provided as a complete set-price package that will include:

  • Analytics integration
  • Two keywords
  • 30 high quality/permanent one-way links
  • DMOZ submission
  • Home page content optimisation
  • Meta-data optimisation of home page and up to 10 category pages
  • Monthly traffic and ranking reporting

With our Express SEO services there are no grey areas; we deliver exactly what is stated above. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online. 

Proven, Effective SEO Link Building Strategy By Bullseye Media

Building inbound links is one of the most important aspects of an SEO strategy. Your ability to achieve the highest positions in the search engine rankings depends a lot upon whether you can get those links onto other authoritative websites or those with a high amount of traffic. At Bullseye Media, our aim is to develop and implement targeted link building campaigns that incorporate powerful keywords in order to bolster off-page SEO and increase conversion opportunities. Find out more about how we do this by visiting Bullseye Media online.

SEO Copywriting That Readers And Robots Love

A successful SEO strategy will almost always involve the creation of written content that is both engaging to read and easy for search engines to index. Dull, dreary content is unlikely to inspire sales, while old, repetitive copy is only going to anger the robots that trawl through your pages over at Google, Bing and Yahoo! At Bullseye Media, we aim to produce copy that’s loved by readers and robots alike – copy which is keyword-optimised but not unnaturally so - because no customer wants to see words or phrases written over and over again (and in fact those robots over in California don’t want to see it either). For intelligent, indexable copy that strikes the right balance, Bullseye Media is the company to call.

SEO Press Release

There are a whole host of reasons for making a press release – you might have an event coming up or a new product that’s about to be launched; perhaps a new partnership is about to be formed. Whatever the occasion, the announcements you make need to have meaning, and they also have to be interesting. Those that aren’t will only damage your company’s image. 

Our aim at Bullseye Media is to help you identify which events require a release and to help you get them out there in the public eye using a variety of techniques, including search engine optimisation.  

Major events are great opportunities to generate interest in your company, which makes professional support all the more important. Find out how we can help by visiting Bullseye Media online.  

Local Search Optimisation

Of course, not all businesses operate on an international or even national level, and in fact most work within a small local or regional area. That means your SEO strategies need to be much more targeted – after all, it’s no good getting traffic from New York if you’re a plumber in Harrow. Our Local Business Solution aims to optimise your website for a specific geographical target market so that you’re far more likely to reach the people who actually matter. Focussing SEO efforts on local customers is the best way of improving conversion rates. Find out how we can help by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Web Design

As well as optimising websites, Bullseye can build them! We have a team of designers and developers working together to produce attractive, engaging and highly search engine friendly websites that can give your business the boost it needs to compete effectively online. Once it’s ready we can also take care of your hosting requirements. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

osCommerce SEO

The team at Bullseye Media has been at the very forefront of osCommerce development and osCommerce optimisation for a number of years now, and we continue to lead the way with sales-boosting solutions tailored to the needs of businesses of all types and sizes. We can help you:

  • Lay the groundwork for switching to osCommerce
  • Develop fresh content and keywords for SEO
  • Create page titles and meta tags for SEO

There are of course many more ways in which we can help optimise your osCommerce site. Visit us online or get in touch to find out how. 

Web Usability

You wouldn’t obstruct your customers from making a purchase in a shop, so why do it online? One of the biggest consumer turn-offs is a website that cannot be navigated and products that cannot be found. If you want to be successful online, you need to make it as easy as possible for customers to find what they are looking for. To do this you need to see things through their eyes, which means constantly reviewing usability. Of course, this can be a thankless task – going over each and every page on your website takes a lot of time. But at Bullseye Media we do it on a daily basis. We have a team of usability experts who can analyse your website and provide detailed recommendations on how you can improve user experience, how you can encourage a reaction amongst consumers, and how you can increase revenue by doing so.

Tips on Google Penalty Removal

Google penalties are the bane of SEO specialists worldwide. Of course a good SEO specialist (like the ones here at Bullseye Media) will know how to avoid them in the first place, but for those who aren’t fully clued up on the intricacies of effective SEO, a Google penalty is always an unfortunate possibility – one which can potentially undo all the good work you’ve done in getting your website to the upper reaches of the search rankings. So what can you do to avoid them, and how do you go about removing them? Here’s a few tips to get you started:

  • Never, ever indulge in link buying or selling – it’s bound to be picked up upon by the robots at Google.
  • Familiarise yourself with Google’s Web Guidelines – and make sure you avoid any black-hat practices.
  • Stay clear of spam – as well as bad outbound links. If you’ve been penalised for this already, the best course of action is to remove the cause and approach Webmaster Central for reinclusion. 

PPC Management

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a highly targeted online marketing strategy that offers quick and quantifiable results. If managed correctly it can be a very profitable way of driving traffic to your website. At Bullseye Media we have a team of PPC specialists offering a complete end-to-end solution for Pay Per Click Management. This includes:

  • In-depth research into your market and keywords
  • Full account creation
  • Conversion tracking setup and testing
  • Analytics setup and testing
  • Tailored reporting

Adwords4Less PPC Optimisation

Pay Per Click optimisation has traditionally been a very tricky task, especially for those who run online businesses that sell hundreds of thousands of products in multiple categories where prices and stock levels are changing all the time. But with Adwords4Less those problems are over, because now you can create and update multiple ads in Google Adwords much quicker and with much less fuss.  It’s the best way of optimising your Adwords, improving click-through rates and making your advertising more targeted. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Express PPC Management Solution

Our Express PPC Management Solutions are aimed at SMEs who require the expertise of an experienced digital agency but who cannot meet the account spend criteria of our standard services. There is no minimum contractual period for our Express PPC services, which makes it a flexible option for those who need to test the water before diving in. Packages include:

  • Google Adwords account creation and setup
  • Ongoing optimisation
  • Analytics integration
  • Monthly reporting

Social Media

Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Instagram, social media has become one of the most important online marketing mediums. Yet it can also be one of the most frustrating: managing all your accounts and getting the right message across is by no means easy, and interpreting all the data can be a thankless task. So our aim is to make things simple. We work with you to develop and implement a social media strategy that’s in line with all your present online and offline marketing strategies, including those that involve SEO.  As a specialist in this area we can also help you gauge online opinion as well as identify any opportunities within the social media arena. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Social Media Marketing: It Starts with Facebook

Used by more than 250 million people every day, Facebook has become the world’s most important social media channel, which is why hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide are using it to promote their products or services. It’s no longer just a craze: it’s a powerful marketing tool, and if you’re not using it, you’re missing out. The viral nature of Facebook means you can connect almost instantly with millions of potential customers, and you can do it for free if you want to. It also allows you to get immediate feedback, gauge the mood of the market and establish loyalty to your brand. These are just some of the reasons why your business ought to have a Facebook Page. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Twitter; Improving Your Brand’s Reputation Online

With over 100 million registered users (and growing), Twitter is another giant of the social media world. With Twitter you can engage with your customers, generate interest in your business, publish blogs that link back to your website, build a following and establish loyalty to your brand. Like Facebook it’s free to sign up, but unlike Facebook it allows you to find out what your customers are talking about and which brands they are gravitating to in real time. Find out more about the power of Twitter and how we can help you manage your account by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Buzz Monitoring

Like it or not, social media has become one of the most important aspects of internet marketing, and any company with online presence needs to embrace it if they want to acquire and retain today’s internet-savvy consumers. Whatever market you operate in, it's likely that people will be discussing your brand online - sometimes on positive terms, sometimes not. Our Buzz Monitoring service helps you to track positive and negative sentiment directed at your brand. It allows you to gauge the mood of the market, enables you to use customer feedback to develop or change your products or services, and allows you to respond to unhappy customers. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Online Reputation Management

With so many forums, blogs, review sites and other online sources available, it’s easy these days for customers to communicate and share their experiences of your brand or business. It’s important, therefore, that you know exactly what’s being said about your company – because while positive reviews can help you grow your brand, negative ones can quickly destroy it. Our online reputation management service allows you to monitor positive and negative content and to take action as appropriate. We’ll help you identify which websites can add value to your brand and which ones are detrimental so you can deal with each in different ways. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

SEO Tips

Search engine optimisation has become such an important part of online marketing that’s now acquired its very own acronym – SEO. But what exactly is SEO, and how can it help your business? Without dwelling too much on the detail, SEO is a strategy for improving your online presence via the main search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The aim is to get your website to the top of their search results pages when a certain search term (or “keyword”) is entered. This can be done in a variety of ways – producing fresh content, link-building or inserting keywords into meta-tags, for example. No agency can guarantee to get your website to the top of pile, but at Bullseye Media we can certainly get you moving up those rankings. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

On Page SEO

The starting point of any SEO strategy is improving the visibility of your own website. There are many ways you can make the pages of your website more accessible via the search engines – here are just a few:

Create unique page titles with title tags – these will effectively inform the search engines what each specific page is about. 

Provide a page description – the description for each web page is located in the meta-tags, and it informs the search engines about the content of the page in the form of a summary. 

Make URLs simple and easy to understand – they ought to be keyword-rich for the search engines but also clear and easy to navigate for your customers. 

Focus on navigation – this is absolutely essential. Your website must be navigable to both search engines and site visitors. 

There are many more ways in which we can help you optimise your website. Visit us online or get in touch to find out more. 

Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO strategies are the best way of drawing visitors to your website. By creating links away from your page you make it easier for customers to find you, and you also make it easier for search engines to index your website. It goes without saying that any successful SEO campaign will require off-page strategies. But what exactly are they?

Well, off-page SEO strategies will usually involve any of the following:

  • Regular blogging – never underestimate the power of the blog: it’s one of the best ways of creating unique and fresh content, and they are much easier to optimise for the search engines. 
  • Article marketing – writing valuable content that links back to your website will appeal to both the search engines and your customers. 
  • Get involved with the online community – use forums, review sites and of course social media to communicate with your customers both one-to-one and en masse.  

Find out more about off-page SEO strategies by visiting Bullseye Media online. 


Repeating the same old content is unlikely to encourage customers to visit your site or to make a purchase, and it’s hardly going to win you any favours from the search engines. Instead you need to produce fresh, engaging copy that attracts attention, convinces customers and ultimately leads to a sale. As a full service SEO agency, we’re able to provide you with a full spectrum of web copywriting services tailored to the needs of your business and the market you move in. Find out more by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Web Development

Bringing in thousands of visitors and getting to the top of the search rankings doesn’t just ‘happen’; your website needs to be positioned there with careful crafting and ongoing development. At Bullseye Media we take a holistic approach to web development, incorporating all of its various aspects and elements from coding and mark-up to design and content creation. Our dynamic team of web development professionals bring together skills and experience from multiple disciplines to develop your site so that it not only ranks highly in the search results but also delivers the best possible experience for users.

SEM-Search Engine Marketing

If you’re looking to improve the overall visibility of your website then Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the perfect solution. This is a service where we handle all aspects of online marketing on your behalf in order to get your website and business noticed by the online community. It includes Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising and the creation of a bespoke SEO strategy, both designed to bring in the right sort of customer and achieve sales. Find out more about our Search Engine Marketing services by visiting Bullseye Media online.

Importance of Conversion Rate Optimisation

Although vitally important, Search Engine Optimisation is just the start of an online campaign to improve traffic and drive sales. The next stage is to covert those visitors into actual paying customers. The way in which you do this is known as Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO), and it’s just as important for the profitability of your business as SEO. At Bullseye Media we use a variety of proven techniques to help you improve your website’s conversion rate. Visit us online to find out more.

Landing Page Optimisation

Landing pages need to be as simple and straightforward to use as possible, and they need to meet the immediate needs of potential customers. Our team of web professionals can develop landing pages geared specifically towards your company’s marketing needs, provide tailored optimisation services for your products or services, work specifically with your PPC campaign, and deliver reports that help you understand what works and what doesn’t in your SEM campaign. Please get in touch to find out more.

Comparison Shopping SEO

Businesses that trade online now have to worry about more than just ranking well on the basic search engines like Google and Bing. They also need to rank highly on the emerging price comparison websites. Studies have shown that around one third of all consumers will now turn to a comparison engine when shopping online in order to find the best deal possible. That’s why it’s so important for you to get your ecommerce site to the top of both. If you’re losing out to competitors because your website is failing to achieve the highest positions, get in touch with Bullseye Media today.

Analytics Configuration

Google Analytics is an essential tool for understanding how visitors interact with your website. With it you can gather high levels of information about the online behaviour of your potential customers, allowing you to adjust what you’re offering according to their needs. Yet using Google Analytics isn’t easy, and it requires a certain level of expertise to translate all the terminology and to understand what the data is actually saying. If you need help using, configuring or understanding Google Analytics, get in touch with Bullseye Media today! Contact details are provided at the top of this page.



Registration Number: 06847771
VAT Number: GB970 4813 12
Registered at Companies House:16 March, 2009 (15 years and 2 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Pinner

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Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
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Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
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  • SEO UK Bullseye Media is a leading SEO UK company. They offer one of the most comprehensive SEO services in the market place today.

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