
Dynamax Technologies Ltd

Innovation Centre
1 Evolution Park
Haslingden Road
United Kingdom

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  • Mr Andrew Walsh - Operations Manager


Dynamax Technologies provides digital signage software solutions to organisations large and small, looking to digitise their static signs, posters and POS material. During the last decade, the company has helped communicators from three continents- Europe, Latin America and Australasia-to reach audiences on-the-go with highly relevant and timely messages. Dynamax offers both enterprise and cloud-based digital signage software products that suit all budgets and allow users to manage their content and networks of screens remotely, no matter their complexity and location.



Registration Number: 02348236
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:15 February, 1989 (35 years and 2 months ago)
No of Employees: 11-20
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer


Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • digitalsignage.NET by Dynamax Our cloud-based digital signage software is an affordable solution that allows users to manage and send news and information to their network of screens straight from their web browser.
  • POV POV is our on-premise digital signage software, an enterprise solution that during the past 10 years has been used by one of the world's largest media owners like Clear Channel and JCDecaux and well-known brands such as the National Exhibition Centre and BT to deliver targeted information and adverts to thousand of displays all around the world.

Financial Information

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