
Fastlink Data Cables

109 Cheney Manor Industrial Estate
United Kingdom

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A Complete manufacturing service supplied from Fastlink Data Cables, or from the Far East or a combination of both. All types of cable assemblies both standard and custom made lengths, looms and harnesses, metal panels, enclosures, prototype, pre-production and full production facilities, we also manufacture a range of cable handling apparatus. Been a leading manufacturer and supplier of copper and fibre cables since 1993 and supply simple cable assemblies through to complex bespoke assemblies for large national projects. Sectors supplied are: telecommunications, military, educational, satellite, retail, transport, healthcare and many more. Materials used includes plastic injection moulding, braided sleeve, moulded boots, heat shrink, braided tube, composite cables, waterproofing and ruggerdising. We offer a fast response service and can be truly seen as 'a one stop shop' for all your manufacturing services for any cable assembly, loom, harness, panel requirements and electric cable



Registration Number: 04682791
VAT Number: GB618 2541 47
Registered at Companies House:2 March, 2003 (21 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: 51-100
Annual Turnover: 2-5m
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor
UK Branches: Swindon


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